Friday, August 21, 2009

Hot summmer and hormones

OK I am definitely not complainging about the glorious streak of warm weather the Maritimes are having. Great to finally be able to get out and enjoy and sit outside in the evenings. However this hot spell has coincided with my hormones going all wacky. I was so confident that menopause ( surgically induced) would just pass me by.

It is not nice to not feel like yourself and not in control of your emotions. Do you remember what is felt like to be a 12 ro 13 yr old girl figurirng out what the hell was going on when you went through puberty? Well for me menopause is kind of like that. I mean I am truly not that bad and very grateful that I am healthy and have a wonderful patient husband. However I pride myself on being very self aware and in touch with my feelings but WOW this in so intense.

I am working with my Naturpath who is wonderful and waiting for hormone evaluation from saliva test. Saliva test is the most accurate picture of hormone levels.The heat has really thrown off my walking scheudule so I am missing the evening walk with Piper this always settles me down and then I can relax with " Nighty Night " organic tea. Sleep continues to elude me, so that makes Karen very irritable.

I guess I have to go through this to once again get to the other side. I want to make sure that I am well balanced before we adopt. Still no word on homestudy so perhaps that is a good thing. OK GOD you have a plan for me I just have to accecpt that. ( However would you hurry up a little I am getting cranky !)

Menopausal Momma

1 comment:

  1. OOPs meant to post that on my blog ! See I am not focused ! LOL OH well Cheers
